What is happening? _C0 No Random Encounters.

My CWcheat doesn't seem to work, whenever I copy/paste the cheats in and load it up only the header shows up.For example: _C0 No Random Encounters _L 0x20210C28 0x1000001A _L 0xD04048B4 0x00000001 _L 0x20210C28 0x00000000 After pasting this in, and going to the cheats menu, all I see is the title 'No Random Encounters' enabled and nothing else? Also when I click on the edit option, all my proceeding lines of cheat under the title '_C0 No Random Encounters' are deleted and I am just left with this in the ini. Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.Ĭasio Keyboard Indian Rhythms Download. But as with your edit: ( 07:32 AM)swampzero Wrote: (.) EDIT: WHat if i just in-game save right now, (post cheat) then restart? Will that give me a clean load? The answer in 99% cases would be - yes, so you can just do that.:3 Then reset emulation with the cheat disabled and load that in-game save. _C0 One Hit Kill _L 0x2001B764 0x2001B764 (.) You only broke the code, making it not work, but doing it soo randomly could as well break the game even if you don't notice it instantly p to create a disable cheat properly, you have to check what value should be under that address in clean game. I'm having problems with Metal Slug Anthology Europe (ULES00530). How would a reverse cheat look like? Code: _C0 One Hit Kill.

LMAO - No gun, KNIFE only - t3h cocktail bomba! H for 3.03 OE FW: DarkAlex 3.03 OE-C Rev 3 TODO: - Working on ULUS-10154 (US version) instead - MS3 cheat codes (Laser gun bug fixed, FINALLY after 5 yrs! ZOMG!!) - More MS6 cheat codes (I hope) - Rest abit Rev 2 (20070208) Found: - MS6: Custom gun slot: select what you want TODO: - Proper inf ammos for each gun slot - Inf fuel for Tank - Armor piercer? - Secret char? HAHA:P Rev 1 (20070206) Found: - Inf all ammos - Kill yourself. Metal Slug Anthology Psp Cheat Codes Average ratng: 3,7/5 7569votes